This breed which comes from Siberia was bred by a tribe called Samoyed. It developed the dog into a friendly, devoted and a social individual. Their key role was to protect children when adults went off to a hunt and to be a companion.
Characteristically they have a ‘smile' on their face as well as an adorable expression. They have a beautiful, fluffy white coat and a long tail, which lays on their top line and is turned to one side. The coat is rain-proof and durable, quality is much more valuable than quality.
It is mandatory to take care of this coat, mainly to brush it out and teach the samoyed since when it is a small puppy to get used to it.
We are a small breeding kennel from Czech republic, existing from 2006.
Before we had always dogs and cats at home, but only the only the ones, they were not for the shows or breeding.
We have berger de brie - briards, Cotons, Tornjaks we had with them many success in shows, but the most important for us was always the character of our animals. Now we continue with the Samoyed.